Create Onboarding Bundle

Follow these steps to create Onboarding Document Bundles.

To create an onboarding document bundle:

  1. On the Onboarding Bundles screen, click Create New Bundle.
  2. In the Onboarding Bundle Name field, enter a unique name.
  3. In the Onboarding Bundle Description, enter a description.

    When recruiters select an onboarding bundle from a list for a new hire, it is possible that the description will not display with the bundle name. Therefore it is recommended that you select a descriptive name in the Onboarding Bundle Name field, which doubles as a reminder of the purpose of the bundle. For example, “Canadian New Hires,” which suggests that the bundle includes only those associations and documents that are relevant for new hires in Canada.

  4. Complete the relevant fields on the form.

    However, pay particular attention to the following fields:

    Field Description
    Company Populating this field filters the list of options in all the other fields on the form.
    Location Group/Region You can select more than one value in this field. Selecting a value from the drop-down list triggers additional drop-down lists to further filter down Location Group/Region information.
    Location You can select more than one value in this field. Selecting a value from the drop-down list triggers additional drop-down lists to further filter down Location information. The bundle association by location is based on the requisition’s primary location. When there are multiple locations associated with a bundle, as long as the locations match, the association will be triggered.
    Job Family This field automatically searches and filters available options as you type into the text box.
    Jobs You can select more than one value in this field. Selecting a value from the drop-down list triggers additional drop-down lists to further filter down Job information.
    Available States/Provinces You can select more than one entry in this field.
    Available Countries You can select more than one entry in this field.
  5. In the Documents section, review the list of documents and for each one, select one of the following options:
    • Required: Select this to include the document in the bundle.

    • Suggested: Select this to include the form in the list of suggested or optional documents to include in the bundle.

    • Do Not Display: Select this to exclude the document from the bundle.

    • Due Date: Using the new hire’s start date as the basis, select one of the valid options from the drop-down list:

      Due Before

      Due On

      Due After

      As you make a selection, the # of Days field displays for you to populate with the appropriate numeric value.

  6. In the Dynamic Forms section, review the list of documents and for each one, select one of the following options:
    • Required: Select this to include the document in the bundle.

    • Suggested: Select this to include the form in the list of suggested or optional documents to include in the bundle.

    • Do Not Display: Select this to exclude the document from the bundle.

    • Assign: Click the Assign button to launch the user selection screen. New hires are automatically excluded if the For Internal Completion Only check box is selected for that dynamic form.

    • Due Date: Using the new hire’s start date as the basis, select one of the valid options from the drop-down list:

      Due Before

      Due On

      Due After

      As you make a selection, the # of Days field displays for you to populate with the appropriate numeric value.

  7. Click Create Bundle.